Academic Publications
Note: Open access publications (noted in parentheses) are freely available to the public.
Silin, J., Keenan, H.B., & Ohito, E. (In Press). The future of gender and sexuality: Staying open to hope. In Luna, S., Wright, B., & Tesar, M. (Eds.). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Critical Perspectives in Early Childhood Education.
Iskander, L., Keenan, H. B., McQuillan, M., Suárez, M., Owis,B., Cook, C., & Gallardo, D. (In Press). “Everything they think they know, they should forget”: How trans school workers respond to transphobic discourses. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education.
Suárez, M., Keenan, H.B., Cook, C., McQuillan, M., Iskander, L., Owis, B., Gallardo, D., & Glass, C. (Advance online publication, September 30 2024). Union membership, retention, and safety for trans workers of color in PK-12 schools. Equity and Excellence in Education. (available open access)
McQuillan, M., Iskander, L., Suárez, M., & Keenan, H.B. (2024). “Establishing policy is just step one of twenty”: How education policy protections, district practices, and leadership matter to trans PK-12 school workers. Teachers College Record, 126(4-5), 147-186.
Keenan, H.B. (2024). Learning without subjects? Considering trans pedagogies in practice. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 37(8), 2223–2235. (available open access)
Keenan, H.B., Hot Mess, L.M., Newbold, L., & Iskander, L. (2023). Out of the classroom & onto the runway: Queer and trans pedagogies in early childhood. In Yoon, H., Genishi, C., & Goodwin, L. (Eds.) Diversities in Early Childhood: Rethinking and Doing (2nd Edition). Routledge.
Suárez, M., McQuillan, M., Keenan, H.B., & Iskander, L. (2022). Differences in transgender employees’ and students’ school experiences. Educational Researcher, 51(5), 352-358. (available open access)
Keenan, H.B. (2022). Methodology as pedagogy: Trans lives, social science, and the possibilities of educational research. Educational Researcher, 51(5), 307-314. (available open access)
Keenan, H.B. & Suárez, M. (2022). Theories & methods for transgender studies in educational research. In Suárez, M. & Mangin, M. (Eds), Transgender Studies in K-12 Education: Mapping an Agenda for Research and Practice. Harvard Education Press.
Meyer, E., Leonardi, B., & Keenan, H. (2022). Transgender students and policy in K-12 public schools: Acknowledging historical harms and taking steps toward a promising future. Policy brief prepared for the National Education Policy Center (available open access).
Halle-Erby, K. & Keenan, H.B. (2022). Learning from abolition: Re-examining the carceral in educational research. In Tachine, A. & Nicolazzo, Z. (2022). Weaving an Otherwise: In-Relations Methodological Practice. Stylus.
Jourdan, M. & Keenan, H.B. (2022). Our Selves. In Trans Bodies, Trans Selves (2nd Ed.). Oxford University Press.
Keenan, H.B. (2021). Building classroom communities: A pedagogical reflection. In Lessons in Liberation: An Abolitionist Toolkit for Educators. AK Press.
Keenan, H.B. (2021). The mission project: Teaching history and avoiding the past in California elementary schools. Harvard Educational Review.
Keenan, H.B. (2021). Keep yourself alive: Welcoming the next generation of queer and trans educators. Bank Street Occasional Papers Series. (available open access)
Keenan, H.B. & Hot Mess, L.M. (2021). Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood. Curriculum Inquiry. Published online, January 2021: (available open access)
Keenan, H.B. (2019). The Trans Educators Network: A reflection on community building and knowledge production. Teaching Education.
Keenan, H.B. (2019). Selective memory: California mission history and the problem of historical violence in elementary school textbooks. Teachers College Record, 121(8).
Keenan, H.B. (2019). Visiting Chutchui: The making of a colonial counterstory on an elementary school field trip. Theory & Research in Social Education, 47(1), 52-75.
Keenan, H.B. (2018). Sweetening the past: Selling heritage at Knott's Berry Farm. In Gross, M.H. & Terra, L. (Eds.), Teaching and Learning the Difficult Past: Comparative Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Meyer, E.J. & Keenan, H.B. (2018). Can policies help schools affirm gender diversity? A policy archaeology of transgender-inclusive policies in California schools. Gender and Education, 30(6), 736-753.
Keenan, H.B. (2017). Unscripting curriculum: Toward a critical trans pedagogy. Harvard Educational Review, 87(4), 538-556.
Keenan, H.B. (2017). Khaki drag: Race, gender, and the performance of professionalism in teacher education. (see excerpt at link) In Picower, B. & Kohli, R. (Eds.), Confronting Racism in Teacher Education. New York: Routledge.
Public Scholarship & Popular press
Don’t Bully Trans Kids at School. Support Them. Op-ed published with Thomson Reuters, syndicated in various outlets around the world.
Trans Youth Are Under Attack. Educators Must Step Up. Op-ed co-authored with Dr. Z Nicolazzo for EdWeek.
There's a Reason the Department of Education is Ignoring Trans Kids in Slate
Summer School, 2015 - self published account of a summer spent teaching first graders.
Dear Trans Kids: (From a Trans Teacher) in The Huffington Post.
The Spectacle of the Transgender Child in The Feminist Wire
Book Review: Reaching and teaching students in poverty. in Rethinking Schools
Media references & Interviews
Interviewed for Anti-Trans Laws Are Making Trans Youth Feel Unsafe. In Teen Vogue.
Interviewed for Teachers fear transgender students are becoming 'political pawns' for GOP bills. In NBC News (describes letter on behalf of trans people in schools).
Interview: Race, gender, and early education. On Gender, Sexuality, Schools podcast with Dr. Tara Goldstein.
Interview: The Power of Representation and Inclusive Curriculum on Heinemann’s Beyond the Letters podcast with Kate Roberts & Maggie Beattie Roberts.
Interview: What Educators Can Learn from Indigenous Counterstory on Elementary School Field Trips on Visions of Education podcast.
Ms., Mr., or Mx.? Non binary teachers embrace gender-neutral honorific on NBC National News.
Transgender Teachers, Long Isolated, Are Finding Strength in Numbers on NPR.
Trans Teachers Network Pens Open Letter In Support of Trans Teen Headed to SCOTUS. In The Huffington Post.
Students Enjoy Hands-On Learning through Stanford Summer Explorations. In the Sunnyvale School District Digest.
Full CV available upon request